Thursday, May 28, 2009

Changes Phase 1:

Wierdly I feel sad !
Hell I was waiting for this, cribbing day and night about how unfair they have been to me, How unrecognised and untapped my petential has been and how I have been handed out a raw deal. But yet when I said my final good bye , I felt sad. Come on last friday people were asked to leave, I left on my own terms but still i feel this way.
How quickly we cocoon ourselves! How quickly we learn to take our surroundings for granted, fallacies and all! We crib about it, cry about it,we look for the bigger and more importantly better things in life. But when the time comes to move on we ask,"is it worth?"
This is emotional attachment, an indescribable feeling that slows you down at every step,makes you look over your shoulder appreciate the past and fear the future. My only hope is that it tempers me down enough so that I pause to smell the roses and dont always keep chasing the happiness in the past.


  1. bravooooooo
    besh hoyeche
    tobe i never knew u cud be so emotional
    ebar mone hochche tahole cheleta prem e porbe
    ..anyway..this was long due i guess..

  2. Dude -- life is a weird reaction where man craves for more than he gets. His insatiable yearnings are endless, which make the cravings like an endless loop. U fulfill one and there arises a thousand more. I can completely empathize with you , had hated office for complete 2+ years and wen it was time to say bye -- my eyes nearly welled up.
