Monday, June 1, 2009

Morning After

Technically I am wrong...!!!
A whole weekend has passed by after I have quit my job. But this is he first Monday. I was supposed to go to office normally but stayed at home. Hence the title.
The usual suspects, Emptiness, depression, restlessness were all conspicuous by there absence.
I did not feel anything.... It was as if I was having a long weekend.
I surely did not miss my walk to office neither did I miss my air conditioned workstation and definitely did not miss that undercurrent of fear " If you screw up, the client is gonna be pissed. He s gonna be upset with you which in turn may cause US to lose revenew and which may mean you are gonna loose your job."
I just stuck to my packing....
Its seriously surprising...!
One day you are welled up for the fear of loosing but once when you have lost it you just shrug and bear. Its for the best I guess.


  1. thats how life rolls i guess...

  2. man !! again I cudn;t resist but comment.
    U know it is seriously so strange, I hav been at home for the last month or so.i go to office once in a while only to meet the frnds there .But at home It feels gr8 even wen u hav nothing to do. I mean the feel that crosses ur mind -- yeah today is another day wen u've got to do nothing and at the same time u r free to do anything u like, is jus amazing. guess, it started late for u , but atleast u have the privilege of experiencing it. Chalo do the packing and enjoy having nothing to do.
