Reality check , philosophical realisations, insight into human psyche and a lot of de ja vu! Being in the middle of around 850 0dd people with varied cultural, linguistical and most importantly age groups not to mention economic backgrounds has definitely supplied a lot of fodder for this blog. I shall try to maintain a certain aloofness in this blog, thereby not giving opinions or deductions or be judgemental but simple facts. Any deviation from the above statement is caused by naivety of the writer and should be excused!
Walking at 3 am around the campus in full formal glory looking for mythical characters!!! Yes, our class rooms are named after characters from Indian myth. So you do come across people who ask you “Where is ‘Bhim’ or where is ‘Vidhur’”. No they did not here rumours of these mythical characters being spotted again but are simply looking for the classroom where they are supposed to appear at ungodly hours for Interviews to the various prestigious clubs and committees.
I found the Interview process very very “interesting”. I could go on with the use of adjectives like ‘intriguing’, ‘ fascinating’ and so on but trust me I would never ever be able put into words the whole basket of emotions I went through. The nature of the interview varied from being stress(I guess I had chickened out from the one that was supposed to be the most stressful) to creative to psychometric to simple personality assessment.
Interviews that were meant to look straight through you, interviews that were meant to test your creative skills and interviews that were meant to find out how well you can perform tasks. The interviewers were our Seniors who had displayed the same qualities last year and earned a right of passage to various clubs and committees. They did and said everything that needed to be done and said to find “if you had it in you”. They pushed you to your limits and in doing so they did push themselves to be a person I have come to know most of them are not.
On expected lines, I did not get selected in any of the clubs but what flummoxed me completely was that the very interviews I thought I had bungled , I got selected and the ones I thought I had performed decently I got a sweet kick on my backside.
A little authors note at the end:
1. I have been writing this blog for some time now so the contents may seem a little out of date. Nevertheless since I had started typing it out I thought I would post it. Right now I am getting used to the new meaning of quizzes.
2. @Honeybee I think I know you and i would love to read what you write about.
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